Description: The DMTA V Dynamic Mechanical tests solid and semi-solid materials, determining properties related to use and wear; modulus, temperature-dependent behavior, and frequency-dependent behavior. It can be used to test curing cycles and efficiency for thermosets and elastomers; quality control of plastics and molded parts, coatings, paint, and ink on substrates; thin films; and fiber testing. It is equipped with six different test fixtures including single cantilever, dual cantilever, three point bending, compression, tension and shear sandwich. The temperature range is from -150C to 400C. Tests dynamic properties of polymer such as linear viscoelastic region, elastic (E’) and viscous (E”) modulus and tan d as a function of frequency, time and amplitude, glass transition of solid polymer, polymer blend, filled polymer or rubber. Also performs creep and recovery, strain rate test, and time temperature superposition.
POC: Jeff Hinkley
Location: Bldg 1293C; Rm 270
Training: Required
Manufacturer: Rheometric Scientific
Model: V |