Description: This SEM comes with a secondary electron detector, a five-segment backscattered electron (BSE) detector and a variable pressure (VP) mode. These features allow for observation of most samples in their natural state, or wet condition, without the need for metal coating. The S-3700N can accommodate samples as large as 300mm in diameter and 110mm high. Accessories include EDS,(oxford) WDS (oxford), Chamber scope, and a cooling stage. The machine is also equipped with a 5-axis motorized stage with eucentric tilt and rotation, image navigation system, stage history, stage memory and click to center. Additionally, the SEM is equipped with high sensitivity semiconductor BSE detector that operates at a rapid scan mode for easier operation. This machine does not require large heating power or water re-circulator. 3D imaging capability.
POC: Jim Baughman
Location: Bldg 1205; Rm 154
Training: Designated Operators
Manufacturer: Hitachi
Model: S-3700N |